Pre and Post OP Advice

Pre-surgery advice can vary depending on the type of surgery, your medical history, and specific healthcare provider recommendations. However, general pre-surgery advice often includes:

Medical Preparations

  1. Preoperative Tests: Complete all required lab tests, X-rays, or other imaging studies.
  2. Medical History: Provide a complete list of medical conditions, medications, supplements, and allergies to your healthcare provider.
  3. Consultations: Attend any preoperative consultations with specialists like anesthesiologists or surgeons to discuss the procedure, risks, and anaesthesia options.


  1. Adjustment: Some medications, especially blood thinners or certain supplements, may need to be stopped or adjusted before surgery. Consult your healthcare provider for specific advice.
  2. Fasting: Typically, you’ll be advised to fast (no food or drink) for a specific number of hours before the surgery.

Lifestyle Changes

  1. Smoking and Alcohol: It’s generally advised to quit smoking and limit alcohol consumption, as they can interfere with anaesthesia and healing.
  2. Exercise: Physical fitness can affect surgical outcomes; however, consult your healthcare provider for tailored advice.

Personal Preparations

  1. Transportation: Arrange for someone to drive you home post-surgery, especially if you’ll be under anaesthesia.
  2. Home Preparations: Make sure your home is ready for your recovery period, which may include setting up a comfortable resting area and having necessary supplies on hand.

Day of Surgery

  1. Clothing: Wear loose, comfortable clothing and avoid jewellery, makeup, and nail polish.
  2. Documents: Bring all necessary identification, insurance information, and medical documents.
  3. Personal Items: Bring only essential items to the hospital, as you may have limited storage space.

Always follow your healthcare provider’s specific pre-surgery instructions for the best outcomes. Failure to comply with pre-surgery guidelines can lead to complications or postponement of the surgery.

Postoperative care varies depending on the type of surgery and individual health conditions. However, general advice often includes:

Immediate Recovery

  1. Follow Hospital Protocols: Listen to and follow the instructions given by healthcare providers during your hospital stay.
  2. Pain Management: Use prescribed painkillers as directed by your healthcare provider.
  3. Wound Care: Keep surgical sites clean and dry. Follow your healthcare provider’s instructions on how to care for your wound.
  4. Mobility: Depending on the surgery, you may be encouraged to move around as soon as possible to prevent complications like blood clots.

Early Home Care

  1. Rest and Sleep: Proper rest is crucial for healing. Ensure you get quality sleep and avoid overexerting yourself.
  2. Diet: Follow any dietary restrictions or recommendations from your healthcare provider. Proper nutrition aids healing.
  3. Medication: Take all prescribed medications on schedule
  4. Physiotherapy: If advised, begin rehabilitative exercises or physical therapy to regain function and strength.

Ongoing Recovery

  1. Follow-up Appointments: Attend all postoperative check-ups to monitor your healing progress.
  2. Activity Level: Gradually resume activities as advised by your healthcare provider. Avoid lifting heavy objects or engaging in strenuous activities unless cleared to do so.
  3. Watch for Complications: Be vigilant for signs of infection (e.g., redness, swelling, increased pain, or discharge at the surgical site) or other complications.
  4. Long-term Medication: If you have been put on long-term medication post-surgery, make sure to continue it as advised.


  1. Smoking and Alcohol: Continue to avoid or limit these, as they can interfere with healing and may contribute to complications.
  2. Emotional Health: Recovery can be emotionally challenging. Seek support from friends, family, or mental health professionals as needed.

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