Client Stories

Client Stories

We’re passionate about helping people get back to their best and achieve their goals. Whether that’s a rapid recovery and return to sport after an injury, or going for a pain-free walk with the dogs for the first time in years, our clinicians are here to help you get back to doing whatever it is you love doing. Hear more about how we can help you, from those we’ve helped so far.

We are happy to treat patients of all ages. Recently Jack worked with Toby to get him back to full fitness.

Here’s what Toby’s mum had to say:
“Jack was brilliant with my shy 13 year old son gaining a great rapport very quickly with him. He adapted what he did once he understood what my son needed. He loved his sessions with Jack and Jack was honest about the number of sessions required and what reasonable targets were.
Knee? Sorted!!!!! Thanks Chews!”

Jack’s reply….
“It was a pleasure to work with Toby who needed to build strength, power and confidence in his knees after a few episodes of knee pain and instability during sport. He worked hard in the gym and at home to fully rehabilitate himself and he has then improved his performance in his chosen sports! In cases like this, variety is key. It makes the rehab interesting and applicable to sporting function but perhaps most importantly, IT WORKS!” 


I injured my lower back in the gym in September last year and knew I needed to see a physio straight away. I could hardly bend over or sit down. I didn’t know about Chews Health and work sorted me out with another physio. After 3 months of conservative treatment, I felt that I wasn’t improving as much as I would like and was getting advice to stay out the gym for the foreseeable future. Not what I had wanted to hear. 

Someone recommended that I come to see Jack for a second opinion which is exactly what I did. Jack helped me to understand how I could work out within a slightly restricted range of movement and with some adaptations. It meant I was back in the gym again and building up to a full range of movement within less than a handful of physio sessions. I wish I had seen Jack from the start! 

I couldn’t believe how different physios had given me such different outlooks and won’t be going anywhere else now. In fact, I tweaked my back again in September this year and went back to Jack immediately to get assessed. Chews Health has a fantastic set up with great gym equipment and a wonderful team. I highly recommend them to everyone. I can’t thank them enough. 


I bit the bullet and booked an appointment with Chews after the pain in my shoulder had got so bad it was keeping me up at night. I was convinced no one could help and I was wrong.
I had been suffering with a sore shoulder for approximately 2 years, and in recent times since joining a gym it had got significantly worse. I’d had 20+ weeks of physio on it about 24 months earlier, and it was still not in a good place.
Mark was great, he quickly diagnosed hyper-mobility in my shoulder, which had never been spoken about before and started me on a set of strengthening exercises. Over the course of 3-4 sessions (6-9 weeks) I did everything Mark told me and the pain went! We worked both in the Chews gym to get my techniques right and then I had strengthening techniques to do in the gym I attend. Now I have the right diagnosis for my shoulder, I understand how to work it, strengthen it and support it thanks to Mark. I’m kicking myself for living with the pain for so long, getting the right support fixed it in no time at all! I love lifting and so thankful that I sought the advice and didn’t do any further damage! Thank you!

Having attended Chews myself for my own injury, when my son (9) broke his wrist I called Mark for advice. After he had the cast off, we went straight to Chews. Mark not only helped verify his wrist was mending correctly, he gave him strengthening techniques and more importantly the confidence to use it again. Over 2 sessions (6 weeks) Mark engaged brilliantly with my son (and put up with my daughter tagging along), brought him out of his shell and built his confidence and strength back up so he’s now back playing football without worrying about his wrist. Yet again, Chews have been really supportive, thanks.


I have been surprised at how quickly I have not only regained and built physical strength, but also confidence and agility through a range of movements. I am less anxious, more comfortable in my body, and getting so much more out of my personal exercise regime. 

Jack has also equipped me with the skills to maintain and build upon the strong foundations we have been able to lay together during our training. I look forward to our sessions and enjoy the relaxed but professional atmosphere at Chews Health HQ. Many thanks to the whole team.

Jack added: 
“Luke failed to mention that he dominated the dad’s race at his daughter’s school sports day.” 


I booked an appointment with Chews Health after suffering with a back problem for some time. I attend the gym in the same building and had heard great things.

I worked with Jack, who diagnosed the problem quickly and helped me to understand it better; it wasn’t even my back as such! We worked within their gym and Jack even came down to my gym during a session to help me adapt some of the movements I was doing. I love being in the gym and love to lift, so I was pleased to hear him say that he didn’t want to stop me from doing anything, he just gave me alternatives.. some quite weird.. but always explained well. After only a few sessions I’m moving better and have a much broader understanding of the issue and how to help myself when it flares up. Thank you so much for your help and guidance.


As an amateur rugby player I was injured in a game at the back end of the regular season. I’d managed to find myself trapped at the bottom of a pile of bodies (not uncommon in this sport) but I was kneeling on my left knee with my right leg out stretched, at which point a member of the opposing team landed on my right leg forcing the knee to the ground.   The pain was instant and I had to be subbed off straight away.

Having seen many friends in similar injuries I thought I was out for a very long time.  Fortunately I hadn’t damaged the Ligaments, something I only found out after being assessed by Mark at Chews Health.  Mark spent a great deal of time during that first assessment to talk through the injury, how it happened, the pain types, the way my knee felt and what it was like afterwards before he even did a physical examination. Mark then examined my knee before telling me exactly what the issue was and how we were going to mend it, and he also told me how long I had to take off.  Mark then went about the recovery phase, which was done in a few different ways.  Mark ran me through some exercises there at Chews, he gave me gym routines to do at my own gym and he even came down to the club house to run some rugby related exercises to ensure I was in great the best shape I could be.

Chews Health were fantastic.  In a normal scenario I would have managed with pain killers, possibly gone to the doctors if it persisted and played a lot sooner than I was ready to.  I would have carried this injury into the end of season tournament and more than likely missed some game time possibly hurting it more, however,  with the help of Mark and Chews I was back playing within 5 weeks (bit longer than I hoped) and was feeling like I was at full strength again a few weeks later.  Not only that but I played every minute of every game in the end of season tournament and played the final in the best shape I could possibly have been in.  Sadly all of Chews help didn’t manage to give me the skill.  


I had been having ongoing issues with my lower calf for around 6 months. I had been to see a different Physio but never felt like it was quite right, even after numerous trips.

From my initial contact, it has been a great experience with Chews Health. It is a nice practice and Mark was really thorough at each of my appointments. He spent a long time understanding the symptoms and assessing the actual issue.  I was worried it could have been my running gait, amongst other things.  After both of my treatments I was a lot more confident that it would be sorted.

My initial experience with another Physio wasn’t great, and I felt as though they were just going through the motions so to speak. With Chews Health I felt as though the time was taken to understand my symptoms in detail and they sent me away to work on my issue, rather than rush me back to see them for another appointment.

I only visited the practice twice but am now running 20-25 miles a week again and looking forward to next hockey season injury free. 


After abdominal surgery and 2 months off work, I was nervous to start exercising again. I made an appointment with Chews Health as a friend had recommended them and I’m so glad I did! Honestly, I couldn’t recommend them highly enough.

Mark took the time to go through the assessment and suggestions step by step and was incredibly knowledgable, which put me at ease. He guided me on what activities and exercises I should do to build back my strength, as well as suggesting what to avoid in the short term with sensible timeframes for when to return.

My biggest concerns were lifting and contracting my abs and unlike what I’d been advised before, that’s what we focussed on! It made sense because flexing in standing is what I needed to get back to for hockey and abdominal strength is vital for riding.
Before my surgery I was regularly working with a personal trainer and had fitness and weight loss goals ahead of my wedding later this year. It was worrying for me that I would have to take it so easy that I’d lose my momentum and confidence. Mark was reassuring and understanding, so we worked together on a phased return to work, riding, hockey and personal training with clear signs of what to look out for and how to back off a little if I needed to.

Within no time I was back playing hockey and riding without the fear and pain that was slowing me down!!

Brilliant care, brilliant facility and brilliant service! 


One Saturday and one wrong movement and I had a wry neck. Being a physiotherapist myself, I thought that I would be able to get it under control myself with pain killers and anti-spasm medication. However, instead of decreasing pain and mobility, my neck stiffened up within one day entirely. I was unable to move and was unable to get my head into a neutral position anymore. It was a bank holiday weekend and I was really helpless.

Based on a recommendation, I contacted Chews Health and got an appointment directly on the bank holiday Monday. My husband drove me from Liverpool to Manchester and on my way I was in agony with every little movement of the car and I started thinking that physiotherapy might just cause me more pain.

However, Mark immediately understood my problems and applied gentle but massively effective techniques. Within 45 minutes treatment I regained almost my entire range of rotation, which really impressed me. 
I left Chews health and thought that it would probably stiffen up again (at least a little bit). But the opposite happened and this treatment did the trick. Already on the way back in the car the pain was much less and I felt as if a neck collar had been taken off me. 

After that treatment I was able to maintain the range in an almost a pain-free way. With the exercises I had discussed with Mark, I regained my entire range of movement back within one week. I cannot thank Mark and Chews Health enough for their help and their amazing treatment! 
