Performance Nutrition


Performance Nutrition

At Chews Health we have a specialist Sport and Exercise Nutrition service for the assessment and support of dietary intake. This service runs under the care of Vicky McKinnon and follows the Chews Health ethos of optimising health and enhancing performance.

Who We Treat

Personalised nutrition planning is vital to support general health, rehabilitation, training and performance.

Anyone with health and fitness goals is appropriate for this service and we have delivered great results for those in high-level sport, recreational athletes as well as those with general health goals wishing to better understand how to tailor their nutrition to their needs.


Get a detailed review of your current dietary intake in comparison to your energy requirements.

Map your nutritional intake to your training and competition plan.

Plan your diet to support your training and performance to ensure you optimise your health and get the most out of your sessions.

Optimise your nutritional plan for a big sporting goal.

Exclusive one to one sessions.

Simple self-service bookings.

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What To Expect

Prior to the 45 min consultation, patients are asked to complete a diet diary.

Our expert nutritionists go through current eating behaviour, physical activity, lifestyle, goals and individual needs in the first consultation.

Recommendations will be made to support optimisation of health and enhancing of performance and recovery.

Nutritionists will work with you to set initial goals and will provide you with a checklist to use as a reminder.


Our prices are listed below and you can book directly using our online booking system. For any queries or further information please do not hesitate to contact us.

45 Minutes

Performance Nutrition Initial Assessment


30 Minutes

Performance Nutrition Follow Up
