Jack Chew

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Jack Chew

Managing Director & Physiotherapist

Jack founded Chews Health in 2013 as a company for his clinical consultancy, offering second opinions to local sports clubs and teams whose therapists and coaches were struggling to mastermind the recovery of some of their key athletes. As his philosophy and methods spread across the Physio profession and MSK industry a consultancy network emerged and eventually Chews Health services were sought after enough to need a bespoke facility.

Alongside his role as MD of Chews Health, Jack hosts The Physio Matters Podcast – a monthly show which goes out to over 20,000 therapists and is the director of MSKReform – a non-profit think-tank which is tasked with improving the industry to reduce the unjust variations in care standards. He lives locally with his wife Charlotte and their identical twin boys who are affectionately known across social media as ‘Test and Control’!Â