Vicky McKinnon

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Vicky McKinnon

Performance Nutritionist

Vicky is our Sport and Exercise Nutritionist and brings experience and passion to Chews Health. With a Physical Education teacher background, Vicky has always been deeply committed to promoting fitness and well-being. Her transition from teaching to sports nutrition was fuelled by a desire to help individuals optimise their health and performance through tailored nutritional strategies. 

A dedicated sportswoman, Vicky is an avid endurance athlete who has competed in numerous marathons, triathlons, and ultramarathons. Her firsthand experience in endurance sports gives her unique insights into the nutritional needs and challenges faced by athletes. 

In addition to her individual pursuits, Vicky is a qualified coach and tutor, Her commitment to community health is evident through her establishment of a local running group. Passionate, knowledgeable, and approachable, Vicky is dedicated to helping athletes and fitness enthusiasts harness the power of nutrition to reach their full potential.